Friday, January 5, 2018

Photo of the Day

Sweet 16 portrait photographed by Fresno professional photographer Pat Fontes

Taken at a recent Sweet 16 pre-event photo shoot at the Japanese Gardens in Fresno's Woodward Park. 
Shot by Fresno wedding and sweet 16 photographer Pat Fontes. To see more of Pat Fontes' photography please visit

Please call 559.724.1757 to talk with Patrick about your photographic needs.

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Quinceanera and Sweet 16 photo session examples

Sweet 16 photography by Pat Fontes Photography, Fresno Wedding and Sweet 16 photography 559.724.1757

Sweet 16 photography by Pat Fontes Photography, Fresno Wedding and Sweet 16 photography 559.724.1757

Sweet 16 photography by Pat Fontes Photography, Fresno Wedding and Sweet 16 photography 559.724.1757

Sweet 16 photography by Pat Fontes Photography, Fresno Wedding and Sweet 16 photography 559.724.1757

Sweet 16 photography by Pat Fontes Photography, Fresno Wedding and Sweet 16 photography 559.724.1757

Sweet 16 photography by Pat Fontes Photography, Fresno Wedding and Sweet 16 photography 559.724.1757

Sweet 16 photography by Pat Fontes Photography, Fresno Wedding and Sweet 16 photography 559.724.1757